Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Freight Stories, No. 5!

The new issue of Freight Stories is up, with a story by yours truly, "Wreckers", and lots of great reading by some awesome writers. And it's gorgeous! Andrew Scott and Victoria Barrett, the editors, have done a beautiful presentation and I'm all verklempt and shit to be amongst such illustrious company!


Andrew Roe said...

Congrats! Can't wait to read Wreckers.

Gay Degani said...

Your story is awesome. Were you there????

Alicia said...

Thanks Andy!

Gay, thank you! And no, I haven't been to the Czech Republic (yet). I researched everything on the 'net via virtual tours, etc. Dawg bless the world wide web!

katrina said...

Alicia, you amaze me. I'm waiting patiently for the day I buy a whole book full of your magic.

Alicia said...

MWAH! to you Katrina Denza, and right back at ya!

Mitzi said...

Enjoyed your story! Very rich and visual.