Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Some Writing News

A couple of nice things to usher in 2008, the first being that my short story "Wreckers" was a finalist in the StoryQuarterly Fiction Contest, and it won a tidy $100 (thank you); and my story "Back Wash" was given a loverly acceptance by StoryGlossia. And a rejection from Ninth Letter, the swankiest literary rag evah, said they were VERY impressed with my writing. VERY.

Happy New Year, by the way. I say this like I have a readerhood. Blogging is so bizarre.

1 comment:

Andrew Roe said...

Alicia! You're finally blogging. All I can say is: It's about time. Congratulations on being a finalist for the StoryQuarterly contest. Enjoy that hundred clams.